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The IFMRS is an international, not for profit federation of musculoskeletal research societies dedicated to promoting excellence in the field of bone and mineral research. The IFMRS mission is to advance musculoskeletal research globally in order to prevent and treat musculoskeletal diseases by collaborating with international societies to share resources, raise public awareness and provide education. 

American Society for Bone
and Mineral Research

Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS)

European Calcified
Tissue Society

International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS)

Japanese Society for
Bone and Mineral Research

Research Society

Ibero-American Society of Osteology and Mineral Metabolism (SIBOMM)

Sociedad Española de Investigación Ósea y Metabolismo Mineral

The International
Society for Clinical

Australian and New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS)

Molecular & Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA)

Society of Bone